Along with our Private and Public tournaments, Buena Vista Golf Course offers a series of regular events to ensure our loyal golfers have a competitive but enjoyable environment to put their golfing game to the test.
Below are a few of our regular events:
$29 (includes green fees, cart and prizes)
Call to sign up-398-9720 8:30 shotgun make your own foursome.
Note: Time will change to 8:30am start
There is a game every Monday and Thursday at 10:30, $15 team game, and $5 dollar skins game(optional).
You must call or show up an hour in advance to be on the list to play on game day !
Teams are randomly picked based on handicaps and your scores are tracked every week. If you don’t have an established handicap you can still play. This game is open to all skill levels and is a great way to learn to play under pressure. Also you’ll get a chance to play with the Pro’s as Chad play some weeks. If you want an established handicap join our Men’s or Women’s club !
Club Dues for the 2019 season are due now, and the 2019 Schedule is online now.
Please pay them as soon as possible to keep your current GHIN number.
Click here for more information on the Men's Club
Women's Club meet on a monthly basis.
Please check back for the 2019 Tournament Schedule
Click here for more information on the Women's Club